I read the Conti case... When the 'worldly' lawyer for the WT argued to the 3 judges, "you can't expect these elders to warn everyone, do you know what you'll do to companies like Coca Cola? You will set a precedent. If there is a pedophile there, they would have to notify all the workers, it would cost money and take time, how can they do that?" (not exact words, but that is what it boiled down to)
When the judges bought into that idea, I wondered, "What about California's Megan's Law? Pedophiles already have to register where they live, are put on a list that potential buyers of homes can check before they move to a neighborhood."
The people who work at Coca Cola can already go look on a list to see where pedophiles live.
Number one, little kids don't work for Coca Cola. There ARE little kids at the Kingdom Hall. The lawyer compared apples to oranges.
Number two, why shouldn't elders turn in the pedophiles to the police, the police investigate (like they do for every other religion) and when the alleged perpetrator is convicted, they are put on Megan's list.
I believe these judges dropped the ball. They missed an opportunity to make things right, and follow the not only 'spirit of the law', but a law that already existed.... Megan's.